Site |
Specimen |
Description |
6-Faces Model |
STL-Model |
CT-Scan |
mandible |
right parietal bone portion |
occipital bone portion |
right temporal bone |
lower left fourth premolar |
upper left permanent lateral incisor |
upper left permanent canine |
upper left permanent canine |
lower left permanent canine |
upper left fourth premolar |
upper right permanent canine |
upper right permanent canine |
upper right deciduous canine |
lower left permanent incisor |
lower right permanent central incisor |
lower right permanent central incisor |
lower left permanent canine |
lower right third premolar |
lower right third premolar |
lower left first permanent molar |
hemi-mandible |
permanent canine |
upper right second permanent molar |
mandible |
— |
cranium |
mandible |
right rib portion |
left clavicle |
right clavicle |
2 portions of the left humerus |
STL_R1_left_humeral_diaphysis_portion STL_R1_left_humeral_distal_portion |
right humerus |
incomplete left ulna |
3rd left metacarpal |
4th left metacarpal |
3rd right metacarpal |
4th right metacarpal |
3rd left prox. hand phalanx |
4th left prox. hand phalanx |
4th left interm. hand phalanx |
4th left dist. hand phalanx |
3rd right prox. hand phalanx |
3rd right interm. hand phalanx |
3rd right dist. hand phalanx |
4th right prox. hand phalanx |
4th right interm. hand phalanx |
4th right dist. hand phalanx |
fifth cervical vertebra |
fourth thoracic vertebra |
first lumbar vertebra |
sacrum |
right ischium |
3rd right metatarsal |
right proximal foot phalanx |
juvenile cranium |
juvenile mandible |
juvenile left femur |
juvenile left radius |
lower left permanent first molar |
femur diaphysis |
lower left permanent first molar |
lower right deciduous first molar |
lower right third premolar (germ) |
lower right deciduous central incisor |
lower right deciduous lateral incisor |
lower left deciduous first molar |
lower right deciduous second molar |
lower left third premolar (germ) |
lower right permanent first molar |
cranial vault portion |
left temporal bone |
lower right permanent lateral incisor/canine |
upper right fourth premolar |
frontal bone portion |
upper right permanent lateral incisor |
upper permanent canine |
upper right third premolar |
left hemi-mandible (with M2 and M3) |
— |
2 portions of an incomplete juvenile mandible |
lower left deciduous central incisor |
upper left permanent central incisor |
lower right deciduous second molar |
lower right third molar |
lower left deciduous first molar |
lower right deciduous canine |
lower right permanent first molar |
frontal |
right parietal |
left parietal |
occipital |
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
Aliquam fermentum vestibulum est. Sed quis tortor.