General Information
Site Name: Rheindahlen
Synonym Name(s): Ziegelei Dreesen, Mönchengladbach-Rheindahlen, Ziegeleigrube Dreesen
Site Type: open air
More Info to Site Type:
Discovery Year: 1915
First Description: Narr 1951
Chronological Abstract: Several layers, dating controversely discussed:
- layers B and C:
a) penultimate interglacial (OIS 7.1, 7.3, 7.5), between 190 000-250 000 BP (after Schirmer (ed.) 2002)
b) Eem to Elster (OIS 5-10), between 100 000-360 000 BP (after Bosinski 1966; Klostermann & Thissen 1995)
- layer A2/3:
a) OIS 6, ante 130 000 BP (after Schirmer (ed.) 2002)
b) Würm/Weichsel (OIS 2-4) (after Bosinski 1966; Klostermann & Thissen 1995)
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Country: Germany
General Location Description: South-western border of Mönchengladbach-Rheindahlen, town of Mönchengladbach, North Rhine-Westphalia
Latitude (WGS84): 51.14° N
Longitude (WGS84): 6.368° E
Altitude: 73m
GIS Precision: GPS Site coordinates
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Bibliography: Schmitz & Thissen 1998; Ikinger 2002a; Bosinski 1966a; Thieme 1983; Narr 1951
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