Dinámica de la vegetación y explotación del combustible leñoso durante el Pleistoceno Superior y el Holoceno del Noreste de la Península Ibérica a partir del análisis antracológico
Universitat Rovira i Virgilli
This work has been done in two laboratories which researches approaches are directed to different objectives the Àrea de Prehistòria de la Universitat Rovira I Virgili at Tarragona and the Laboratoire Paléoenvironnements, Anthracologie et Action de l'Homme at Montpellier. This fact has permitted to put together two points of view with the aim to understand the archeological and paleoecological record through the study of seven sites located at the North East of the Iberian Peninsula. The sites that I have studied are Abric Romaní, Las Fuentes de San Cristóbal, Molí de Salt, Balma del Gai, Abric Agut, La Cativera and La Cova de la Guineu located in different biogeographical areas and with archeological and antracològica precise problematics. Furthermore of the study of these sites it has been necessary to use other publiched works in order to understand the development of this discipline in Catalonia to obtain data to hold my interpretation. This has permitted to achieve precise and general aspects in different fields. In this work I have define the evolution dynamics of the vegetation from a diachronically point of view and I have considered the synchronically aspects. Moreover I have studied the material from a paleoeconomical perspective approaching my interpretation to the behaviour of humans in relation to fuelwood of the different social groups: hunter, gatherers, shepherds, farmers and cattle in relation with their sociocultural behaviour. The thesis is structured in five large chapters: an introduction to understanding the studied region from a paleoecological and biogeografical point of view, as web as from an archaeological point of view. A second chapter, in which we define the methodological basis used for the anthracological analyses. A third chapter, dedicated to the presentation of the sites individually and in chronological order. A forth chapter, in whch I synthesize the studied sites and the rest of the sites studies in the country from a paleoecological and paleoeconomical point of view.