[Vallverdú i Poch, Josep|PublicAdministrativeSpace:Vallverdú i Poch, Josep]
Micromorfologia de las facias sedimentarias de la Sierra de Atapuerca y del Nivel J del Abric Romaní. Implicaciones Geoarqueológicas y paleoetnográficas
Universitat Rovira i Virgilli
Micromorphology, pedosedimentary processes, Pleistocene, Archaeology, sedimentary infillings at caves and rock-shelters
This thesis is based on the micromorphological analysis of thin section of sediments from the Sierra de Atapuerca (Burgos Spain) and from Abric Romaní (Capellades, Barcelona, España). The micromorphological observation is completed with other data and with the acquired knowledge during the fieldwork, and from the interdisciplinary works of the researchers working on the projects from the Sierra de Atapuerca and Abric Romaní. The geoarchaoelogical and palaeoetnographical approach to the sedimentological record has been developed from to points of view: The distinction between sedimentary processes and anthropic sedimentary processes in the formation of archaeological levels The paleoenvironmental analysis and interpretation of the sedimentary record of the stratigraphic sequences. The formation processes analysis needs a high knowledge of other disciplines. Geosciences have are more important in the analytical research of the sedimentary record. For the analyses of Quaternary caves and rock shelters deposits the biological sedimentary processes seem to offer a greater resolution to develop a better interpretation of the stratigraphic sequences. In this way, we call pedosedimentary processes to the articulation of the analysis on the transport origin and on the postdepositional transformation of sediments that we observe in the thin sections. This observation is held on disciplines such as palepedology and sedimentary petrography. The description of the thin sections is presented as a microfacies classification, which pretends to systematize the analyses data from microfacies in order to classify and hierarchies. When this classification has achieved a systematic value, that can include statically explicative model of the pedosedimentary processes, we establish the dynamic interpretation, hypothetical deductive, that refine the classification itself and take part in the argumentation of the interpretation.